Inspirate y liberate de cancer, fibromialgia, depresión, fatiga, etc. Rompe con el dolor emocional para controlar el dolor físico crónico.
Yo no acepto estas condiciones en mi cuerpo nunca más y quiero compartirte como.
Te guiaré en el camino de descubrir y confiar en tu poder interno.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

VO2 Max 1o1 (Maximal Oxygen Uptake Analysis)

The National Training Center Performance Lab located in Clermont FL specializes in performance testing. Here is where I tested my VO2 Max.  They have a great service therefore, I personally recommend this place.

                              For performance analysis options and pricing check

Maximal oxygen uptake is a measurement of the amount of blood the body uses for useful work. It is a function of the amount of blood pumped by the heart and the working cell's ability to extract oxygen from the blood. The greater one's fitness level, the longer one can exercise at maximum aerobic capacity.

The physiological factors affecting maximal oxygen uptake are both central and peripheral. Central factors include the heart's ability to efficiently pump blood through the cardiovascular system. Efficiency of the heart depends upon the amount of blood pumped by the heart (stroke volume, which is essentially the force of strength of the heart's contraction), or heart rate.The result of stroke volume x heart rate determines cardiac output. Cardiac output can be enhanced by aerobic training which primarily impacts the stroke volume of the heart. In oner words, the heart becomes stronger and is able to pump more blood per beat, performing a given workload at a lower heart rate. This leads to greater efficiency.
The peripheral factor affecting maximum oxygen uptake is the arterio-venous difference, or the difference in the amount of oxygen in the arterial blood going from heart to the muscle cells and  the venous blood going to the muscle cells back to the heart. This difference is the amount of oxygen the muscle cells have extracted from the blood  and used for energy production. Aerobic training will also improve the cellular capability to extract oxygen from the blood. Other factors enhanced by aerobic training are increased capillary density, aerobic enzyme development, and muscle cell fluid volume (myoglobin).

Saturday, January 18, 2014


This picture was taken during the worse stage of the fibromialgia. I was suffering from chronic pain of the knee, bursitis of the fascia lata (upper thigh),  sacroiliitis and back-neck and metatarsal (bunion) pain on top of serious digestion problems and depression.
Esta foto fue tomada durante la peor etapa de la fibromialgia. Padecia de dolor cronico de rodilla, sacroileitis, dolor de espalda, bursitis del tensor de la pierna y dolor en el metatarso del pie. Junto con una  serie de problemas digestivos y depresion. Year 2002 to 2009.

Knee surgery july 2009

GLANDULA TIROIDES)                                                                                    
Cansancio cronico                                                       Tired
Falta de energia                                                            No energy
Digestion lenta (constipacion)                                     Slow digestion (constipation)                                  
Intolerancia al frio                                                       Cold intolerant
Intolerancia al ejercicio                                               Exercise intolerant
Aumento de peso                                                         Weight gain
Nivel de colesterol alto                                                High cholesterol
Nivel de triglicéridos alto                                            High triglycerides
Piel reseca                                                                    Course skin
Perdida de cabello                                                        Hair loss
Estado de animo depresivo                                          Depressed mood
Perdida de la memoria                                                 Failing memory
Falta de concentration                                                  Brain Fog
Transtornos del sueno                                                  Disturbed sleep                                  
Ojos y boca seca                                                          Dry eyes and mouth
Migraña                                                                        Headache
Calambres                                                                    Muscle cramps
Dolor y debilidad muscular                                         Muscle pain and weakness


Dolor entre 12 y 18 puntos del cuerpo                        Widespread pain (12 to 18 tender points)
Fatiga                                                                           Fatigue
Dificultad al dormir                                                     Sleep difficulties
Confusion y falta de concentration                             Brain fog
Falta de flexibilidad                                                     Morning stiffness
Nudos, calambres y debilidad muscular                      Muscle knots, cramping, weakness
Transtornos digestivos                                                 Digestive disorders
Dolores de cabeza                                                        Headaches and migraines
Falta de equilibrio                                                        Balance problems
Alergias de piel                                                            Skin allergy
Dolor pelvico cronico                                                  Pelvic Discomfort
Dolor miofacial                                                            Facial pain
Dolor articular y del tejido conectivo por                    Articular pain for inflammation of the joints.

Tender points

        En el año 2002 me declararon cancer papilar de tiroides como parte del tratamiento me extrajeron la glándula tiroides por completo, como resultado experimente hipotiroidismo. Este trauma desencadeno mi fibromialgia.

Entonces, como vivir con la ausencia de la glándula tiroides y todos síntomas  anteriores? Teniendo en cuenta que la tiroxina (Medicina hormonal de reemplazo) no es suficiente. Esta fue mi pregunta por muchos años. Entonces  busque varias fuentes de información sobre los avances de la ciencia en este tema y ninguno tenia una solución natural que no incluyera medicinas como Lyrica, Cymbalta y Savella. Las cuales en mi opinion son adictivas y antidepresivas que cubren los síntomas pero no erradican la enfermedad como la mayoría de las medicinas químicas. Los síntomas del hipotiroidismo y la fibromialgia  son parecidos pero no son enfermedades iguales.

Mi hermano Javier Ortiz,  quien  era medico nutricionista y deportologo de la universidad Nacional de Bogota Colombia, había realizado especializaciones, estudios e investigaciones en el tema del metabolismo y las enfermedades autoinmunes. Gracias a su extensa experiencia en el ámbito de la salud y el deporte, el afirmaba que la fibromialgia fue causada por el trauma en mi organismo durante este largo y doloroso proceso y que la curación de mis condiciones era el deporte de alto rendimiento.

La fibromialgia me causo dolor  cronico y degeneracion de las articulaciones, a causa de esto tuve una cirugía de rodilla.
Para mi  competir con esas dificultades era una locura pero Javier tenia toda la razón. 
Así fue que hace 4 años, después de la cirugía de la rodilla izquierda, decidí entrenar para competir, con el objetivo de curarme y encontrar equilibrio emocional para soportar los síntomas.

Estoy feliz de poder contar el proceso paso a paso. Después de muchos años de investigar, consultar con muchos especialistas y haber tratado diferentes métodos y terapias finalmente moldee mi propio tratamiento.  Yo divido el tratamiento en tres capítulos indispensables: Nutrición natural especifica para mi caso, entrenamiento deportivo sistemático y progresivo y  la practica del pensamiento positivo de acuerdo con los grandes maestros espirituales de la historia.
 Aun experimento dificultades corporales pero mi estilo de vida ha mejorado un 95%. Se puede decir que es posible vivir con estas condiciones y hasta lograr exigir lo máximo de tu cuerpo.

Si deseas escribirme para hacer preguntas no dudes escribirme a

English Version by Estefanny Espitia


        In 2002 I was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer. My entire thyroid gland was removed as part of the treatment. As a result I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. This trauma gave place to my fibromyalgia.  
How could I live a normal life without a thyroid gland and all its symptoms was my doubt for many years. Unfortunately the Thyroxine (hormonal supplement) was not effective enough. I researched various information sources regarding the latest scientific advances in the subject but non of those offered natural remedies. Lyrica, Cymbalta, and Savella were the only options at the time. In my opinion besides the fact that this medications are not natural, they are addictive antidepressants that merely mask the symptoms rather than eradicate the actual sickness. The symptoms of hypothyroidism and fibromyalgia are similar but they are not the same.

My brother Javier Ortiz, who was a nutritionist and sports scientist from the Nacional University of Bogota Colombia, specialized and conducted multiple studies and investigations regarding the human metabolism in relation to autoimmune  diseases. Backed by his extensive experience in both health and sports he affirmed that the fibromyalgia was caused by the trauma inflicted on my organism during the lengthy and painful process of the cancer treatment. And he also added that the cure for my illness was high performance sports.

Fibromyalgia caused me chronic pain and joint deterioration. As a result of this joint problem,  I had to have a surgery on my left knee.
To me, doing high performance sports with my precarious health conditions was a crazy idea. But it wasn't long until I realized Javier had been right all along.
So that is how four years ago, after a painful knee surgery, I decided to start training. My objectives were to be cured and find emotional strength and equilibrium to withstand the symptoms of my illness.
I am happy to be able to share my process of recuperation step by step. After many years of investigating, consulting with many specialists and having tried methods and therapies, I finally molded my own treatment. I split the treatment into three indispensable chapters: A natural diet specially designed for my case, a systematically progressive physical training, and lastly, the practice of positive thinking in accordance to the theories of the great spiritual masters.
Even though some symptoms still linger around, my life style has improved 95%. I can honestly say that it is possible to live a normal life with fibromyalgia and hypothyroidism and not just living a normal life, but also demanding the very best from your body. 

If you have any questions or comments don't hesitate to contact me at

Sunday, January 5, 2014

A Beautiful Story of Cause and Effect

National Open Water Swimming Champion of his age group in Cartagena, Bolivar Colombia on November 2013.

Winner of various categories in the Golden Dolphin International Tournament in Cali, Colombia on August 2013

      I would like to share the story of Alonso Moreno, my swimming coach, who’s story I like to believe is a clear example of how the universe works in mysterious ways.
Alonso was born in Cali Colombia. He developed a deep interest in sports from a very young age. Alonso became a member of the soccer team of his school as well as the local neighborhood team. His love for self improvement and competition led him to stand out from others. With merely 7 years of age Alonso Moreno had found his passion.

One day when he was around 14 years old, he found himself playing a spontaneous soccer match with his friends. Unfortunately, the game was cut short because the owner of the only ball available to them had to go to his swimming class. Faced with unavoidable boredom, Alonso tried to convince him to leave the ball under his care but his friend denied and instead invited Alonso to his swimming class. This swimming class was located in the olympic pools of Cali.

In the swimming class, kids were preparing for the Valle del Cauca Water Polo Team tryouts. Alonso’s friend invited him to stay and swim with him and the others. Not having anything else to do he willingly accepted.
Unaware of it, Alonso’s path in life changed. He started swimming by what some people call “chance.”
His swimming abilities were very limited but he kept practicing until he was able to swim across the entire olympic pool. He often got nervous thinking he was not going to make it across this seemingly eternal pool but he kept on improving.

When the time for the tryouts came, Alonso was still unsure of his swimming skills. Fearful of not having something to hang on to in case of an emergency, he asked the kid from Bogota in the lane next to the wall to switch places with him.
The time limit to cross the entire pool was 40 seconds. Unfortunately, Alonso made it in 48 seconds, 8 seconds short to make the cut. Defeated, he knew he had no chance to make it on the team and went home.

The next day, Alonso’s friend came to his house to pick him up. The first thing that came out of his mouth when he saw Alonso was that he had made it!
Confused Alonso later understood how lucky he had been to make it into the team. When Alonso changed lanes with the kid from Bogota right before the tryouts this change was not made official. The kid from Bogota, whom by the way had made the cut, swam in the lane corresponding to Alonso and Alonso swam on the lane corresponding to the kid from Bogota. This kid from Bogota could not enter the team because he was going back to his hometown very soon. So he did not do anything about the mix up.

Alonso had experience being a team player and had good performance. His qualities shone through making him popular amongst his fellow team members. His skills in the water kept improving but his swimming speed revealed what truly had happened the day of the tryouts. When the second speed check came around, Alonso felt he had to come clean when his coach addressed his slower speed. Luckily after Alonso came clean, his coach took in to account his good performance so far and didn't let the tryouts mix up affect his decisions. On the contrary he sympathized with Alonso’s peculiar story,  so from then on the coach helped him and supported him in every practice.

From that point on, the swimming league and the various team sponsors paid his food and other necessities. Just like that his passion for sports became his profession.
He had the privilege to travel and represent Colombia in various competitions.

Another incredibly lucky event happened to Alonso by what we will continue calling “chance.” This event took place during a South American tournament in Brazil in which he attended as an alternate.
The uniform that was assigned to him was a little too big. Hence, walking around the pool made the bottom of his pants wet. Frustrated by that icky feeling on his legs, he took his pants off and sat on the substitutes bench on his swimming shorts and uniform hoodie.
Suddenly, one of the swimmers needed replacement. The coach quickly looked at the substitute bench. Incidentally, Alonso was the only one looking ready with his pants off. Without giving it a second thought the coach picked him. Having this great chance to prove himself, Alonso gave it his all. His team ended up winning with his help. This bold move made him one of the main members of the water polo team at 18 years of age in 1974.

With his newfound love for water polo and his dedication, Alonso enjoyed many years of fascinating and enriching experiences, travels, triumphs, and defeats. He met a beautiful lady from the colombian synchronized swimming league whom he married and had two daughters with.

Alonso retired in 1988 after 14 years of playing professional water polo. Two years later he and his family decided to move to the United States with the purpose of giving their daughters a better future. Both Alonso and his wife passed on their love for swimming to their two daughters. They became excelling swimmers and are currently in the Florida International University, FIU, swimming team. 

Alonso enrolled in the Miami Dade College to study accounting. One day Alonso was in a rush to get to class and could not find parking. Once again by “chance” he found a parking space in a different area where he discovered the Kendall campus pool. 
Alonso had been retired for over 12 years, but this did not interfere with his blinding desire to train in the water once again.
It was in this very same pool where he met Jorge Voll, pool director, whom later offered Alonso a job as a lifeguard in that very same pool. After that, it was only a matter of time until he was offered a job as a full time lifeguard on the beaches of Miami in 2001.

His extensive experience in the water and good physical condition helped him pass all the physical tests required to be a lifeguard. Once again with seemingly effortless luck he was getting payed to do what he loved the most.
For a decade he trained tirelessly to keep up with his lifeguard performance check ups as well as formal competitions within fellow lifeguards in which he would often score highest.
In 2012 he qualified amongst the first group of swimmers in the Escape to Miami Triathlon. He also kept on practicing water polo. 
Alonso is a genuine autodidact. He perfected his water polo techniques and taught himself long distance swimming. He studied and found the perfect angles and moves to effortlessly glide on the water without fighting against the current  and advance rapidly.

Today, Alonso continues to be a lifeguard. He enjoys his job where he has saved an innumerable amount of lives. He dedicates himself to train and starts at the crack of dawn. Occasionally he shares his knowledge with a hand full of students, amongst these lucky ones me. He agrees to teach only if you really are willing to learn from the heart.

I am immensely grateful to Alonso for teaching me everything I know about swimming.         I started learning only two years and a half ago and I was terrified of the water. Regardless of my limitations Alonso went patiently step by step with me. He taught me how to swim correctly and also showed me how swimming could be a way of meditation and a therapy to treat my existing condition of fibromyalgia. 
Today I can proudly say that I am able to complete an ironman triathlon all thanks to Alonso.

From his lifeguard tower, Alonso gazes at his beloved deep blue sea and enjoys the fact that he can swim every day and any time he wants. Alonso unpretentiously experiences genuine happiness.

This story teaches us how Alonso’s deep vocation was shaped through time by many experiences and coincidental scenarios. Coincidences that were not merely  coincidences but more like perfectly outlined paths in a universe of possibilities. The path meant for him was carved by the desires deep within his heart and his actions were powered by his love for sports and swimming. This law of attraction brought about a perfect plan to accomplish his ultimate purpose in life.

If you would like to find your path remember the forces of the universe can not hear words, or mundane wishes inspired by society. The universe listens to your inner most wishes and emotions. According to these wishes our paths are formed and presented to us. Sometimes the signs we are yearning for are disguised as difficulties. Its simply a matter of aligning your inner most desires with your thoughts and actions. 

In Alonso’s case swimming became his greatest talent. Unconsciously, with his actions he brought about events that shaped his life and guided him in the right path. This is what I like to call living a life of cause and effect.

This is a wonderful example of a person who followed his passion with dedication and persistence without regard for shallow short term results.

If you follow your inner calling, enjoy it, and practice it with pure love and dedication, you will find that it is the only thing you will need in life. The rest will come to you on its own.

Relentlessly follow your heart’s inner most wishes. The universe will always provide.   

Translated and edited by: Estefanny Espitia

If you wish to comment or give any opinions don’t hesitate to send them to