This was the perfect day for a marathon. I decided to do this race to have the experience of running without pressure, expectations or time limits. I started training about a month ago, but I was not able to be constant with my training routines due to a prolonged cold. In any case I will safe my best efforts for my main goal which is Boston Marathon. Usually, my main focus is my physical performance. I don’t take note to what happens around me during the race. In this marathon I enjoyed myself and was able to have quite an enriching experience. At the beginning of the race I was able to see the competitor’s excitement in their faces. Some of them were proudly wearing shirts from their countries. Families and supporters were holding posters with inspiring, funny and clever handwritten messages. The disabled competitors were eagerly waiting at the very front of the start line as always inspiring the rest of the competitors. It was very emotional to see the pro runners ready to give it their best. Their self confidence and serenity was a wonderful example of professionalism to me. Many competitors invaded with nervousness and excitement were ready in their corresponding sections since very early in the morning. During the race I tried to focus my mind in enjoying the moment. Each inhalation and exhalation was like medicine that cleared my thoughts. The feeling of the wind in my face and the refreshing perspiration that covered my skin, added more dimensions to my sensorial experience. I tried to make my stride more gentle and slow to feel lightness in my body. I also maintained a slower but steady pace which kept me from having fatigue like I did during the Ironman where I spent 13 hours in a state of trance. I cleared my mind and created positive thoughts from everything I would see or hear during my journey. The sound of the competitor’s feet stomping the ground, the deep breaths, the cheers in the background, the sobs of exhaustion and the different fragments of music in each corner joined together in my head to form what I thought was an orchestra. An orchestra of different cultures, and bright colors. The volunteers who were spread throughout the entire race, supported us and had a great deal of patience. This race felt more like a community with tons of partnership and support. Both the spectators and the competitors shared the passion for this sport with each other. In the very last miles started to have pain in my legs and feet. I struggled all the way through the finish line with negative thoughts, but then I remembered that life is a journey of apprenticeship. We have to enjoy the pain because it makes us stronger and wiser. I was thankful to be able to achieve a goal in the midst of pain. Congratulations to all the participants of the ING Miami Marathon 2014! If you wish to comment or contact me please e-mail to

Usualmente me concentro en mi rendimiento físico dejando de observar todo lo que ocurre a mi alrededor en una carrera. Por esta razon la maratón de hoy fue una experiencia enriquecedora.
Desde el inicio vi los competidores emocionados, vistiendo con orgullo camisetas de sus respectivos países. Familias apoyando con carteles emotivos, humorísticos e ingeniosos.
Y como siempre los competidores discapacitados listos en la linea de salida inspirando a el resto de los participantes. Fue muy emocionante ver los corredores pro, calentando y listos para dar todo de si mismos, la autoconfianza en sus caras y la serenidad son una muestra de ejemplo y profesionalismo.
Muchos invadidos por los nervios otros por la excitación de su corazón ya estaban preparados en los corrales respectivos desde muy temprano.
En el transcurso de la carrera enfoqué mi mente en disfrutar el momento presente, donde cada inhalación y exhalación eran medicina para aclarar los pensamientos. La sensación del viento y la frescura del sudor recorriendo la piel agregaban mas elementos sensoriales. Trate de dar cada paso gentilmente para tratar de sentir mi cuerpo liviano como una pluma y mantuve un ritmo conservador con el corazón estable sin sentir fatiga, tal como cuando hago Ironman y puedo pasar 13 horas en un estado de trance.
Despejando la mente dedique mi atención a crear pensamientos positivos en torno a todo lo que escuche y vi.
Los sonidos de los pies golpeando el pavimento, las respiraciones de la gente alrededor, los aplausos, las frases de apoyo, los sollozos de cansancio, la música de las diferentes estaciones de apoyo, se unieron al unísono creando la sensación de ser parte de una misma orquesta. Una orquesta de diferentes culturas, ropas de muchos colores vistosos, sonido, dedicación, esfuerzo y cooperacion.
Los voluntarios que asistieron el camino también donaron una gran suma de paciencia y apoyo tornando la carrera en una comunión de compañerismo y humanidad.
Expectores y participantes compartimos la pasion por el deporte regalando así amor y motivación los unos a los otros.
Ya en las ultimas millas el dolor entro en mis piernas y pies, tuve que luchar con pensamientos negativos de derrota pero ahi recorde que la vida es un aprendizaje para disfrutar el dolor pues el nos hace mas fuertes y sabios.
Di gracias por estar viva y poder experimentar el dolor con la gran satisfacción de lograr objetivos.
Felicito todos los participantes pues cada uno de ellos dejaron un pedacito de amor en mi corazón.
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ReplyDeleteMis respetos! Eres admirable, grx x motivarnos a muchos!