Se ha descubierto por varios estudios realizados que esta condición no tiene cura pero es posible convivir con ella y controlar los síntomas.
Como sobreviviente de cancer de tiroides y paciente de fibromialgia afirmo que una vida deportiva activa, dieta saludable antiinflamatoria, mucho pensamiento positivo y armonía espiritual son la clave para la curación de esta limitante enfermedad.
Hoy quiero mencionar los profesionales que me conocieron durante mi proceso a quienes quiero agradecerles por su ayuda. |
According with Mayo Clinic Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, indigestion, sleep, memory and mood issues. Researchers believe that fibromyalgia amplifies painful sensations by affecting the way your brain processes pain signals.
Symptoms sometimes begin after a physical trauma, surgery, infection or significant psychological stress. In other cases, symptoms gradually accumulate over time with no single triggering event.
Studies have shown that this condition is chronic but it is possible to live with the symptoms.
As a thyroid cancer survivor and a fibromyalgia patient I affirm that beinysically active, having a healthy anti-inflammatory diet, plus practicing positive thinking and spiritual harmony, we can live with this limiting illness.
Today I want to mention the professionals that helped with my process to whom I want to thank.
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Thyroid cancer and family problems created fibromyalgia in my body. Cancer de tiroides y dificultades familiares crearon la fibromial- gia en mi organismo. |
Año 2003 en la ciclovia de Bogotá. |
After 4 years of intense discipline I was able to complete Ironman. Después de 4 años de intensa disciplina logré realizar Ironman completo. |
Cada día gano y pierdo batallas pero lo que si es seguro es que le gane la guerra a mi salud y hoy ayudo otras personas a lograr sus objetivos físicos y de vida.
Gracias a ustedes por ser parte de mi proceso.
I win and lose battles everyday but one thing is for sure I won the war with my health and today I help others to achieve their personal and physical goals.
Thank you guys for being part of my process.
More people is achieving their goals and that make me so proud. |
For the sake of simplicity, we well say that increased activity seen in these tests (known as brain region activation) is seen when a brain region "lights-up" during the scan fatigue management